Big Brother and Vicki

The Gutter

Not cool, Max...not cool!

Front door

SSS and Guy (Greasy Kulture Magazine)

Jeff is the best...

Super cool flathead...don't know owns it...but it's very nice...

Oakland orange!

Max's knuckle...

Chrys checking out DicE issue 39 and the Two Wheels Brazil poster inside

Brian's panhead...one of my favorites...built by Jeremiah...painted by Max and owned by a rad guy...too bad it went down!

The one and only, Mr. Paul Cox...

Great bikes in front of the bar...

Justina rules! This time I learned some stuff about WWII and carrots...can't remember very well...
Also...anyone that puts up with Dean on a daily basis is no.1 in my book...
BTW...they shipped all TWB tees and everyone WILL receive it...Brazilian Mail was on strike, remember? Blame them!

Cool Shovel

As you can see the two fisherman were drunk...
Hey there...that's my flathead. Thanks for the kind words! Great weekend!
Hey Diesel! sweet bike!!! Too bad we didn't meet there!