Pro-skater Mr. Pig teaching Max some tricks...PRICELESS PIC!

Thanks Chrys for the BBQ, friendship and etc...Camacho doing the pose...thanks for the delicious BBQ...

Rodrigao and Billy!!!

Dave getting the first tat of the day from Akemi...

That's RAD!!!! I was stoked! Sao Paulo along with Iowa and Brooklyn!!!

Pro skater, bike builder, tattoo artist, DJ, drag queen...Max rules!
Thanks dude! Special moment! Three times special...thanks Jason and Chopperdave!
PLEASE send me pics of Jason and Chopperdave doing the tat...I don't have them...

Fuck You!

Handsome dudes

Ros getting his from Akemi and later doing his fisrt ever to KT (PLEASE SEND PICS...don't have them either)

Would you trust these two around your bike?

Thanks, D, Max and Jason! I'll never forget this!

Jason kicked their asses!

Jubau the ruler.