Friday, November 4, 2011

Tomorrow Morning 9 to 12 @ Garage Metallica

Helmets...finally I got some IN STOCK...

Cheap Harleys parts...blow out...I Bike

Noise Cycle poster...ONLY 30 MADE...they're numbered and there's just a few left...T-Bone made these specially for Two Wheels Brazil and it's high quality!!!

Noise and Joe King Hats...

Noise Cycles T-shirts...just a few left...

If you can't make it tomorrow and want any of these stuff...let me know...


  1. saca só:

  2. Tem uma camiseta noise P ou M pra mim? Qto eh? Abs

  3. Show Rodrigo!!!

    Wilson...tem 1 P e duas ou tres M, 50,00 reais. Estao no Chrys na Garage Metallica, pode pegar la direto. tel 38152488. Abs!


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