Ok...imagine having YOUR bike judged by Jeff Wright, Chopperdave, Max Schaaf, Dean Micetich, Matt Davis, Mike Davis, Cicero de Guzman Jr., Josh Kurpius and Wes Lang... That alone is totally kick ass! Now imagine if you win... We're preparing something REAL special for the winner...
A trophy built with parts from their own garage!!! I asked for each one to give us a part, old shoe, bottle, dead rat from their garage and we'll incorporate to the trophy.
This is from Jeff...with the CHURCH OF CHOPPERS logo. SWEET!!! Thanks!!
Stoked!!! Lowbrow Customs is the new sponsor for our show!!! Not only supporting us but are also sending AMAZING stuff for giveaway at the show...GAS TANKS and all!!!! Thanks Tyler for being SO kind!
If you order a black helmet and end up getting a pink one...blame Jeff...cause I was drunk! I'm really SAD I can't go to Kung Fu Tap & Taco/DicE party! Got a package from FTWCO...It was a koozie...what the hell...let's use it...
Loved Cicero's idea of making a different format for his book. Amazing pics and awesome work...Go check them out: Godspeed 46/05 Sinistros is now Vol. 19. You know you have to have at least one in your garage!
The Military Police of Sao Paulo. Today we went there to see their 18 2011 Road King Police. Many Evos there too and ONE beautiful 1974 Shovel...we'll have their support on Two Wheels Brazil. Great stories...and some AMAZING pics from 40s, 50s bikes that they had... More info and pics soon! Indian at 7º GACosM Garage.
Very happy to have Chrys Miranda, from Garage Metallica as one of the BRAZILIAN sponsors for TWB. Not only he's a friend but one of the greatest names in the chopper scene here in Brazil...expect a very cool bike from him for the show. Parts and apparel will be available at GM's spot at the show.
The mag should be out pretty soon...check their site and store! Don't miss ISSUE 1 they are already taking pre orders and I already got mine before it's sold out. Showclass Magazine SITE and STORE
Stoked..honored...happy...amazed...etc..etc..etc...I've always been a fan of Adam Wright's work...I've always tried to buy his books but were always sold out before I could get my hands on them...and I'm so stoked that he'll sponsor our show!!!! That's huge for us and for me!!! You probably have many of his photos in your 'cool-chopper-pics folder' ...can't say enough good things about him... He might be able to come to the show...AND...he's sending us MANY books to giveaway at the show! YES...you can win FREE Adam Wright's books just by showing your face at TWB...Again I'll do my best not to steal some...
"Adam Wright is the photographer and publisher of Road Course and the Hauler series. If you don't know his photo books, they are original, beautifully executed, must have little gems as far as we're concerned. No advertising, no text, no BS, just really good photographs." took this from Falcon Motorcycles site cause I couldn't write any better. Cool interview HERE