Friday, January 28, 2011

tumbling DicE

Dean & Matt's

Faster Pussycat

This one is for Taime, lead singer of the Faster Pussycat.

Let it Bleed

Big bands get even bigger in small gigs.


I love toast and toasters

One of my strange obsessions. Designed in 1935 by Raymond Loewy for Sunbeam Corporation. Art Deco style...very cool!

Johnnie Wash Series

Johnnie Wash Series

Avenida Doutor Cardoso De Melo, 570
Bairro: Itaim / Vila Olímpia
Telefone: (011) 3044-1195

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What can I say...

At last mailman is delivering I got one from 4Q.
Was lucky to get the sweatshirt before it got sold out.
Max was awesome...sent some gifts for the rest of SSS guys.
To my surprise there was another gift in the box...this handmade keychain from Max. One side says JOE KING and the other 4Q OAKLAND.
These simple gifts are ALWAYS the most special...I was stoked!
It'll be the keychain for my first Panhead! It made my week! Thanks!!!

Mike Rules!

Although Mr. D still owes me a helmet design, he's a ruler!
Bought this sweet wheelie t-shirt at the Born Loser store and got this one from Mike!
Awesome tees!!!


Stoked that Tim from Death Science invited me to be one of the sponsors of the REVENGE RUN 2. Just great being part of these cool events! Check it out!!!


It doesn't look like much progress...but compared to is.

Eddie doing his magic...

Testing the XR Flat Tracker seat on the XL.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



@ GM

Nice hat, Chrys!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Back in '97 and '00

The red one was a '96 and the green a '98. I still dig this chubby bike!


This helmet, MY helmet was stolen at a parking lot the day Gilby Clarke played in Sao Paulo...If you ever see this one cruising around Sao Paulo, PLEASE let me know. I'd love to meet the dude.
If you have stolen it and read the blog...I hope you die...slowly and painfully.


This sucks!

Hats IN STOCK though


Everybody ready? ...I'm not!

Monday, January 17, 2011



1972 at the Green Hell (Nurburgring)

Right On!!

"Tattoos are devil's work"
Flyer from some sort of a "church" in Brazil.
I guess I got a ticket to Hell...valeu Flavio!!



Saturday, January 15, 2011


SSS' afternoons are always priceless...


Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas gift

Another amazing gift sent by my friend Celso...brand new fork tubes for my Panhead. You rule!!! Thanks!!

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